Re form example sentences

In most cases, they are formed when minerals in liquid/ molten and gaseous forms are forced upward through cavities towards the earth s surface.Such organisations are formed for providing service to a specific group or public at large such as education, health care, recreation, sports and so on without any consideration of caste, creed and colour.One important question that psychologists are interested in answering is : how are attitudes formed? Like many other thoughts and concepts that develop and become part of our cognitive system, attitudes towards different topics, things and people also are formed as we interact with others.Reform organisation of the Sikhs, the first Singh Sahabs were formed at Amritsar in 1873 and at Lahore in 187 The Sabhas sought to rid Sikhism of superstitions, caste distinctions and practices seen by them as non-Sikh.Once the water droplets are formed, they grow bigger by the 'condensation' of these water droplets.Other forms of elemental carbon like carbon black, coke, and charcoal are all impure forms of graphite or fullerenes.alues are formed when a particular belief or attitude becomes an inseparable part of the person's outlook on life.Reflex arcs are formed in this spinal cord itself, although the information input also goes on to reach the brain.In many countries, communist parties were formed – like the Communist Party of Great Britain.Coal and petroleum were formed from the degradation of bio-mass millions of years ago and hence these are resources that will be exhausted in the future no matter how carefully we use them.Both diamond and graphite are formed by carbon atoms, the difference lies in the manner in which the carbon atoms are bonded to one another.Some countries pegged their currency to the French franc; most of these are former French colonies in Africa.They look at how people earned their livelihood, what they produced and ate, how cities developed and markets came up, how kingdoms were formed and new ideas spread, and how cultures and society changed.When magma cools, crystals of minerals appear and a systematic series of minerals are formed in sequence to solidify so as to form rocks.Fullerenes are the only pure form of carbon because they have smooth structure without having 'dangling' bonds.

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